Am I at high risk of developing cancer since my family has a history of cancer? Should I go for genetic testing? Come and find out more about hereditary cancers at our Jeans for Genes Forum!
Adakah anda beriskiko tinggi menghidap barah karena keluarga anda mempunyai sejara barah? Paktutkah saya menjalani ujian genetic? Datang dan ketahui lebih lanjut tentang kanser keturunan di Forum Jeans for Genes!
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Your Genes and Your Health
Gen Anda dan Kesihatan Anda
Nur Diana Binte Ishak Genetic Counsellor Cancer Genetics Services Division of Medical Oncology National Cancer Centre Singapore
Nur Diana Binte Ishak Kaunselor Genetik Perkhidmatan Genetik Barah Pembahagian Onkologi Perubatan Pusat Barah Nasional Singapura
Lecture Theatre (Level 1), National Cancer Centre Singapore
30 Hospital Boulevard, 168583
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