You are invited to the 1st Singhealth Peritoneal Surface Oncology Conference (SPSOC) and Comprehensive Management of Peritoneal Malignancy Workshop 2022!
This hybrid (virtual/physical) event is hosted by Department of Sarcoma, Peritoneal & Rare Tumors, National Cancer Centre Singapore and Singapore General Hospital. Consisting of a 2-day main conference and 2-day pre-conference workshop, the event aims to provide participants an opportunity to learn from various experts in the field of peritoneal surface malignancy. The conference will feature talks that cover the new frontiers in peritoneal surface malignancies. The pre-conference workshop will cover the basics in the management of peritoneal surface malignancies
Early bird registration for 24 August and 26-27 August are still open till 30 June 2022. Kindly note that the registration for the hands-on workshop on 25 August 2022 (Day 2) is now closed. Please visit for more details on how to register.