As the pandemic continues, we hear stories of the dedication and tenacity of our nurses fighting on the frontlines. Many of them have also shown a generosity of spirit as they answer calls to go beyond their call of duty to support patients in their journey to recovery.
Shasi Rekha D/O Valaitham Mariyappa
Senior Staff Nurse, National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS)
Rekha has been a nurse in NHCS for the past six years. While considering her post-secondary education choices, her father advised her to take up nursing which he regarded as a noble profession. She grew to love her career as her way of life rather than a job.
“A typical day at work would be caring for patients at the Cardiothoracic Surgery and Cardiovascular Medicine General Ward. I also join the daily clinical rounds with doctors and our nurse clinician to review treatment plan for patients under my care.”
Working so closely with patients, some confide in Rekha about the financial difficulties they face during their hospital stay. The stories tugged at her heartstrings and Rekha wanted to do more to help them. “We know times are hard during this pandemic. I believe in giving to the NHCS Heart To Heart Fund to help alleviate patient’s financial burden and allow NHCS to pursue medical research to improve treatment for patients," said Rekha.
Rekha believes that the best gift is to help others in times of need. "I believe no gesture is greater than a willing heart to care, and sharing what you have,” she said
Duong Nguyen Bao Khanh
Staff Nurse, Sengkang Community Hospital (SKCH)
Duong had been with SingHealth Community Hopsitals (SCH) for only 4 months when she received an email inviting her to support the SCH Health Fund, to help needy and frail elderly patients integrate safely back into the community. The email tugged on her heartstrings as she thought about the elderly patients that she often cared for in her wards.
“Many of our elderly patients are sole breadwinners of their family, and they often have to support their children or siblings who have some form of disability and are unable to take care of themselves. I was glad for the opportunity to support them and help them fulfil their hope of returning home and regaining their independence,” said Duong.
Aside from financial assistance, the SCH Health Fund supports community health and other patient-related projects, such as patient support programmes.
Since receiving that first email, Duong has been a firm supporter of the SCH Health Fund, supporting their fundraising campaigns such as iWALK, and even pledging her support for the recent Staff Giving campaign.
“Through my regular gifts, I hope to play a part in allaying the financial stress of patients. I also want them to know that they are not alone when dealing with challenges in life,” she said.
Toh Jie Ying
Nurse Clinician, Outram Community Hospital
Jie Ying first heard about the SCH Health Fund through a recent Staff Giving event. Through her own pledge of support, Stephanie Yeap, Director, Nursing, SCH, encouraged her fellow nursing staff to also join her in supporting this worthy cause.
Inspired by her Nursing Director and the patients she cared for, Jie Ying decided to make a pledge to the SCH Health Fund.
“As nurses, we often care for patients from all walks of life – some with immense family support, to singles who live alone in their rented units. One such patient of mine was admitted for lower limb amputation – aside from financial aid for her medical bills, she also required assistance in the form of rehabilitation and medical equipment to support her daily activities, allowing her to live independently at home.”
Jie Ying is happy that her contribution can make a difference someone’s life and hopes she can encourage other staff to do the same.

Making more cancer survivors
In 2018, the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) launched a fundraising campaign called 'Make More Survivors', to fund patient care, research and education. NCCS Nursing leaders took the lead to raise funds, with junior staff and nurses also stepping forward to contribute as part of their Nurses’ Day festivities.
Philanthropy is part of the fabric of nursing at NCCS. In 2019 and 2020, nurses raised $6,520 and $8,000 respectively for the NCCS Cancer Fund. This year, they hope to make an even bigger impact on the lives of patients they support.
“It is heartwarming to know that not only the leaders, but all nursing staff want want to contribute to support patients. The feeling of giving is always better and more meaningful than receiving. The simple act of generosity plants the roots to make lives better in a tangible way,” said Ms Lian Siew Bee, Director, Nursing, NCCS.
This Nurses’ Day, we celebrate selflessness and generosity of spirit shared by our nurses. For more stories of nurses who go beyond their call of duty to support patients, please click here.
National Heart Centre Singapore;SingHealth Community Hospitals;National Cancer Centre Singapore;
Giving & Philanthropy