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Preparing For Your Operation at KKH

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - What it is

An operation and hospital admission can be a daunting experience for a child. It can give rise to feelings of fear and anxiety in vulnerable children. Often this is caused by some misconceptions and a lack of parental awareness on how to provide age appropriate pre-procedural support.

We have prepared a child friendly cartoon animation video which helps to explain the process of coming to the hospital for an operation.

The video helps to illustrate the hospital journey and explain the processes in a fun and creative way.

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Symptoms

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - How to prevent?

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Causes and Risk Factors

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Diagnosis

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Treatments

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Preparing for surgery

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Post-surgery care

Preparing For Your Operation at KKH - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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