Behind the scenes in Singapore
General Hospital (SGH), a bot
or software robot is quietly
transforming processes. Known
as Robotic Process Automation
(RPA), the bot has proven
invaluable, helping to save more than 52,000
man-hours in laborious and repetitive work.
This significance may not be immediately
obvious for patients as it is for staff
who have been relieved of mundane
tasks. Nevertheless, digitalisation and
process automation using the bot have
led to some important improvements for
patients, including more time with their
physiotherapists, and receiving their
medication deliveries and surgical bills
more quickly.
Mr Geoffrey Gui, Director, Future Health
System (FHS), SGH, said: “We take the lead
in weaving smart technologies into the
fabric of our hospital processes, all while
cultivating a culture of technology adoption
among our healthcare staff. We anticipate
that RPA bots will become a crucial
component in enhancing the healthcare
experience, streamlining services such
as appointment scheduling, medication
dispensing, and the management of financial transactions and post-care
follow-ups. In addition, RPA is set to play
a key role in the background, optimising
data analytics, automating data entry,
and significantly improving the hospital’s
operational efficiency.”
The FHS’s Artificial Intelligence
and Automation Unit (AIA) is the main
driver of RPA. It works closely with
different departments to automate their
time-intensive processes. “Bots can be
programmed to autonomously execute
high-volume, repetitive and monotonous
tasks by seamlessly interfacing with various
systems and applications,” said Ms Chan
Wai Ching, Assistant Manager, AIA, and
RPA Lead, SGH. RPA is very “low-code”,
she added, and so requires only simple IT
knowledge and skills to use.
SGH started exploring RPA use in
late 2020, with the hospital’s Call Centre
and Telecommunications Services being
the first to adopt it. Since then, more
than 36 projects have been automated.
For instance, the human resources (HR)
division has been harnessing the power of
bot technology for mass communication
tasks, including the personalisation of staff
emails and HR notices through SMS texts.
“Looking ahead, RPA shows immense
promise in revolutionising clinical settings,
with potential applications spanning from
clinical workflow management and data
transcription to analytical assessments and
reporting, said Ms Chan.
Besides saving time, RPA also helps
reduce costs. Manpower cost alone accounts
for at least 60 per cent of healthcare costs in Singapore. Yet, traditional processes,
especially in hospital operations, comprise
huge amounts of rules-based, repetitive and
manual tasks that can be more efficiently
undertaken by a bot. Automation also
reduces the pressure on hospitals to
recruit new staff in a tight labour market,
while enabling current staff to focus on
meaningful and purposeful work that boosts
their job satisfaction.
More physiotherapy time
At the Physiotherapy Department, patients
with musculoskeletal problems are asked to
complete a health assessment questionnaire
before their consultation to find out whether
their pain, mobility and quality of life have
worsened or improved so that it can quickly
offer treatments to the patients.
The physiotherapists take an average of
eight minutes to process the responses to
get a score. That amounts to 1,070 times, or
143 hours, each month. The physiotherapists
began using the RPA to send a questionnaire
via SMS for patients to complete prior
to their appointments. The RPA also
extracts and analyses patients’ responses to
derive a score, which is then ready for the
physiotherapist to use when the patients
visit the next day.
“Between 13 March 2022 (when
automation was rolled out) and the end of
last year, we saved 81,488 minutes simply by
eliminating the need to manually calculate
and document the data,” said Adjunct
Assistant Professor Philip Cheong, Senior
Principal Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy
Department, SGH. “We use the time
saved to provide the patient-centric
quality care that SGH is known for.”
The physiotherapists worked with
AIA on the project, which makes use of
a standardised, validated questionnaire
known as Patient-Reported Outcome
Measures (PROMs) to measure the
patient’s health status and monitor his
progress. “PROMs is very important as it
allows therapists to hear from the patients
themselves about their symptoms, their
functional status, and their health-related quality of life. It also allows healthcare
professionals to track what type of
interventions works well for each
patient. Each patient is different, so
it’s important for us to tailor their
management plan or intervention
based on their own perceived needs
as well as their functional goals,”
said Adj Asst Prof Cheong.
Before automation was used, PROMs
was given to patients to complete during
their consultations. This time-consuming process is still being used as, within the
physiotherapy department, the RPA
bot is only used to automate repetitive,
high-volume tasks for musculoskeletal
(MSK) disorders like arthritis and lower
back pain. For now, the department is
working to increase the response rate
among MSK patients from the initial 25
per cent. It is planning to enhance the
forms to include other languages, and roll
out RPA PROMs collection to patients
with non-MSK conditions like amputees and those undergoing rehabilitation. There is
also potential to enhance the RPA bot to flag
patients with low scores so that greater care
can be given to them quickly.
Faster med deliveries

Hospital pharmacy services also benefit from
digitalisation and automation.
Currently, patients are encouraged to
have their medications delivered instead of
waiting at the hospital’s pharmacies to collect
their prescriptions after consultations. Those
on repeat medications can ask for their
prescription to be delivered at home or to be
picked up at nearby Guardian pharmacies.
For the Pharmacy Department,
improving and refining processes to reduce
waiting time for patients while enhancing
accuracy and work processes for staff has
been ongoing. The medication delivery
service (MDS) for patients was meant to ease
long queues and waiting times.
However, COVID-19 threw things into
disarray as demand for MDS increased
seven-fold, placing heavy pressure
on manpower and other resources.
Transcribing the orders and delivery
schedule manually into the system for
processing led to delays and inefficiencies,
said Mr Hwang Yi Kun, Senior Pharmacist,
Pharmacy Department, SGH. With less
physical patient interactions, there is
also a greater risk of making errors when
executing the laborious, repetitive work,
such as packing the wrong medications,
labelling the wrong address, and scheduling
the wrong delivery time.
The pharmacists worked with the AIA
team on using the RPA bot to retrieve
orders electronically and transcribe them
to the pharmacy systems. “The results were
impressive,” said Mr Hwang, noting that
the bot had no transcribing errors when
processing almost 600 orders every day —
or about 74 per cent of the daily MDS daily
workload — since RPA was implemented in
September 2021. The bot was also able to
alert the team when an urgent delivery such
as for antibiotics was required.
Assuming 2.5 minutes are required to
schedule delivery and related processes,
the time saved on this backroom procedure
is 25.6 hours a day or 128 hours a week.
For pharmacy staff, nearly 80 per cent felt
automation made their job easier.
Bill accuracy

Another department that benefited from
the use of RPA bot is the hospital’s Pre-
Admission Centre (PAC).
According to Ms Thirvchelvi PK,
Executive, Pre-Operative and Admitting
Services, SGH, each patient typically
undergoes several investigations as part of
their pre-surgery examinations. “Each patient
is billed for five to eight tests, or more than
500 services to bill each day,” she said.
The Centre sees an average of 90 patients
a day, and an administrative clerk used to
check and key in the patients’ charges after each visit. For example, the clerk had to
ensure the forms received are correct and
valid (that patients have indeed undergone
the blood tests ordered, for instance) and
check whether any forms are missing
(patients underwent three tests but only
two forms are received). The process
relied heavily on paper forms and took
three hours every day to complete.
Working with AIA to digitalise and
automate the charging process has resulted
in a 66 per cent reduction in time taken.
The RPA now generates a daily report
of tests performed the day before, checks
for missed or double billing, posts the
charges to the patients’ accounts, and
indicates which bills cannot be posted —
which are then manually checked
and posted. The bot takes about an
hour each day to do this. The clerk who
used to perform this task has been
reassigned to cover frontline duties,
said Mr Goh Ze Wei, Assistant Director,
Pre-Operative and Admitting Services,
SGH. “She’s happy with her new
assignment,” he said.
The move towards automation involved
discussions with other departments such
as Finance. More importantly, it was a
chance for staff rethink their processes and
to envision a new and improved workflow.
“The entire process was smooth as the
benefits were clear to other departments,
and they came on board the project quickly.
However, it was time-consuming as we
had to understand everyone’s role in the
charging process, and how best to change
and consolidate the procedures involved,”
said Mr Goh.
No errors have been reported with
the move to automation, versus about 15
unbilled services daily before automation. Describing the bot as having “amazing
potential”, Ms Thirvchelvi said the
department is looking to complete other
finance-related processes, like form
completion and generating insurance
letters of guarantee ahead of patients’ visit
to the PAC.
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