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Convulsion Without Fever

Convulsion Without Fever - What it is

Convulsion Without Fever

During a convulsion (seizure), a child becomes unconscious and falls, the eyes roll backwards, the body stiffens, and the arms and legs jerk.

Most seizures last less than 5 minutes.

Convulsions without fever occur in 0.4% of children. If they become recurrent, the child is said to have epilepsy.

Recurrent seizures can be controlled with special medications (anti-convulsants).

First Aid

  1. Leave your child on the floor or ground
    During a seizure, your child should be left on the floor or ground. Move him only if he is in a dangerous place.
  2. Protect your child's airway
    • If you can clearly see that your child has something in his mouth, clear it with a finger to prevent choking. Otherwise, do not insert anything inside the mouth, especially if he is clenching his teeth.
    • Place your child on the side to help drain the secretions.
    • If your child's breathing becomes noisy, pull the jaw and tongue forward by placing 2 fingers behind the corner of the jaw on each side, so as to maintain the airway.
  3. Rectcil valium may be given if instructed by your child's physician.

Common Mistakes In First Aid For Convulsions

  • During the seizure, don't try to restrain your child or stop the seizure movements. Once started, the seizure will run its course no matter whatever you do.
  • Don't try to resuscitate your child just because breathing stops momentarily for 5 to 10 seconds. Instead, try to maintain the airway.
  • Don't force anything into your child's mouth. This is unnecessary and can injure the mouth or the teeth, cause vomiting, result in a serious bite of the inserted finger or cause further choking.
  • Children rarely bite the tongue during a convulsion.

Home Care

  1. Treatment for previously diagnosed epilepsy: After the seizure is over, let your child sleep if he wishes. The brain is temporarily exhausted, and there is no point in trying to keep your child awake. There is no need to bring your child to an emergency room for every seizure. When you discuss your child's treatment with your physician, ask if you should give your child an extra dose of anti-convulsant when he wakes up from the seizure to prevent another seizure.
  2. Precautions: While most sports are safe, be certain to avoid activities that would be unsafe if he suddenly had a seizure. These include activities involving heights (e.g. climbing a tree or rope), cycling on a highway, or swimming alone. Wind surfing and scuba diving must be avoided. Have him take showers instead of baths and only when someone else is in the house.

Consult Your Child's Doctor Immediately If

  • This is the first time your child is having a seizure.
  • The seizure lasts more than 5 minutes. If the seizure lasts more than 10 minutes, you should call an ambulance.
  • Your child stays confused or groggy for more than 1 hour.
  • Another seizure occurs within the same day.

Convulsion Without Fever - Symptoms

Convulsion Without Fever - How to prevent?

Convulsion Without Fever - Causes and Risk Factors

Convulsion Without Fever - Diagnosis

Convulsion Without Fever - Treatments

Convulsion Without Fever - Preparing for surgery

Convulsion Without Fever - Post-surgery care

Convulsion Without Fever - Other Information

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