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At KKH, our hospital volunteers play an important role in the lives of our patients, helping to support their emotional and social well-being.

We are looking for enthusiastic and committed individuals to join us!

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Fulfill the time commitment required for the relevant volunteer programme.
  • Submit proof of required vaccinations before commencing volunteer activities at KKH.

Vaccination Requirements for hospital volunteers:

  • 1 dose of Tdap (taken within the last 10 years)
  • 2 doses of MMR (OR blood test result showing measles, mumps and rubella igG Positive)
  • 2 doses of Varicella (OR blood test result showing Varicella IgG positive)

KKH Volunteer Programmes:

Click here to be a KKH Volunteer

For enquiries about volunteering as a group, or any other enquiries about volunteering at KKH, please email [email protected].

For Donations-in-Kind (e.g. gifts & care packages), please click here.