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To help ensure that online interaction on our social media pages remains meaningful and valuable to everyone, here are some guidelines for participation.
While we encourage and enjoy online discussions and threads between participants, we request that participants do not evaluate, endorse or recommend any particular healthcare provider, medication or treatment. We also ask that participants interact respectfully with one another. KKH reserves the right to edit and/or remove any endorsements, comments or content it deems as inappropriate. The following are examples of comment types that may be edited or removed:
We do try to reply promptly to online requests for information, but we cannot always assure a timely response.
Information posted by administrators, participants or any third party (e.g. commenter) should not be considered as medical advice., Medical treatment has to be individualised and can only be rendered after adequate assessment of your condition through clinical examination. Any information posted on our social media pages is not intended to replace consultation with qualified physicians or other qualified healthcare professionals.
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