“My SingHealth journey of almost three decades began when I joined the old Kandang Kerbau Hospital (KKH) in 1992. I worked in the Satellite Pharmacy, covering the Gynaecology and Paediactric wards, as we operated with fewer staff back then.

Today, our work processes have improved drastically with the help of advanced technology such as the automation systems at the Inpatient and Outpatient Pharmacies which pick and package the prescribed medication, making things more efficient and safer for our patients as this eliminates medication errors.
I am proud to be a SingHealth staff, and it brings me great joy to have served our patients for so many years.”
Ohn Myint, Senior Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Department, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
SingHealth;KK Women's and Children's Hospital;
Faces of Healthcare