When you seek medical help at KKH, you know you’re not alone. We’ve set up several support groups for our patients and their families.
So you know that there are others like you whom you can share your fears and frustrations, hopes and happiness with.
This interest group aims to promote awareness of general women’s health and support for women undergoing menopause transitions. Together with its panel of medical specialists, the group provides a series of educational talks, events and activities related to women’s health.
It is a platform for women to share their menopausal transition experiences and tips to overcome the symptoms. Members of the interest group meet every three to four months.
This interest group is led by Family Medicine Advanced Practice Nurse Chua Mei Tuan and strongly supported by the Family Medicine Service team.
To join Dynamite Daisies or for further enquiries, please contact:Family Medicine Coordinator Ms Louie MayOffice Tel: +65 6394 8783/ 87980687Operating hours: Monday and Wednesday, 3.00pm to 5.00pmEmail: [email protected]
The group supports our gynaecological cancer patients psychologically, emotionally and physically through education and counselling, befriending services, and craft and social activities.
Volunteers comprise of nurses, paraclinical staff, patients in remission from their disease, and friends. Please speak to the ward nurse manager should you require the group's assistance.
Managed by craniofacial affected families, volunteers and coordinators, the support group provides mutual support, interaction and friendship building. It aims to share experiences so that craniofacial affected children can grow up happy and confident.
The support group is made up of smaller groups, including:
The cleft and craniofacial team also conducts continuing education to enforce awareness and knowledge of the condition.
To join the club, please contact coordinator Josephine Tan (tel: +65 6394 5034 / hp: +65 9100 3978 / email: [email protected]).
Managed by doctors and nurses from the Department of Neonatology, the support group aims to help parents with premature babies cope better.
Monthly sharing sessions among parents of current Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) babies and parents of ex-NICU babies are organised for members to draw support from one another.
Some other activities include a special educational programme for parents of low birth weight infants to prepare them for their babies' discharge, and home care visits for babies with special needs e.g. home oxygen therapy.
Your child was diagnosed with diabetes and your world has been turned upside down. Where do you go from here? How do you handle the responsibility? How do you help your child live life to the fullest?
Diabetes often redefines the lives of the children and their families, impacting every aspect of their lives. New roles and responsibilities are placed on the family and changes made to cope with the condition.
The support group provides children with diabetes and their families a platform for mutual support and interaction. It offers families the opportunity to meet and share their experiences with each other.
Members of the support group meet every three to four months – usually during the school holidays – for informal get-togethers and continuing education, conducted by the Diabetes Multi-disciplinary Team.
This support group is headed by Diabetes Nurse Joyce Lim and strongly supported by the team. For further enquiries, feel free to call
Office tel: +65 6394 3771/2094
Operating hours are: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm & Saturday, 8.30am to 12.00pm
For asthmatic children and their parents, the club helps them learn about:
The club organises activities every three months, usually during the school holidays.
Some of the programmes include educational seminars for parents and older children, and indoor and outdoor activities supervised by our medical professionals.
For enquiries, please call tel: +65 6394 3016/1139/1119.
The foundation’s Family Support Centre provides counselling, therapeutic play, parents’ support group and has a resource library. These services are for children stricken with cancer and their families.
Contact tel: +65 6394 8236 for more information, or visit their website at www.ccf.org.sg.
Club Rainbow provides counselling, play therapy and group work to children suffering from chronic and potentially life threatening illnesses.
For more information, visit their website at www.clubrainbow.org.
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