A look at the shelves in the pharmacy often reveals a bewildering range of vitamin supplements available on the market. Which one should you give to your child? But wait, does he need it in the first place?
The rule of thumb is to first ensure that your child gets his nutrients through food sources. In instances where certain vitamins are lacking from the diet, you can then look to supplements. A growing child's daily diet should provide an adequate supply of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K and folic acid.
To safeguard your child against vitamin deficiency, refer to the #table# for some guidelines.
If you are still concerned that your child is not getting adequate vitamins from his daily diet, consult your paediatrician about prescribing a paediatric multi-vitamin supplement. Again, supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet.
However, if your child is on a special diet, say for food allergy or intolerance, specific vitamin supplements may be needed. Check with your paediatrician or the dietitian regarding which ones to give.
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