Dr Ellen Tay Ghim Hoon is a consultant in the Department of Childhood Development in KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH).
She graduated from National University of Singapore Medical School in 1998. She obtained her Master in Medicine (Paediatrics) and Membership Royal College Paediatric and Child Health (MRCPCH) in 2002. She completed her basic and advance specialist training in KKH in 2005 and was admitted a Paediatrics Specialist under the Singapore Medical Council Specialist Accreditation Board.
She was in private practice as a general paediatrician but decided to come back to public healthcare institution (KKH) to pursue her passion and interest in helping children with learning disabilities and childhood development in KKH.
- Paediatrics Specialist Examination 2005
- MMed Paediatrics (Singapore) 2002
- MRCPCH (UK) 2002
- MBBS National University of Singapore 1998
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Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships
- Adolescent Health WorkGroup with Singapore Health Promotion Board (2006)
- Advanced Specialist Training Exit Preparatory Course (2005)
- Paediatrics Public Update (2005)
- Neonatal Jaundice Pathway work group( 2005)
- Professiorial Tutorials for MMED/MRCPCH Paediatrics ( 2003)
- Organising committee for MMED/MRCPCH Paediatrics (2003)
- Singapore Paediatric Society Since 2000
- Singapore Medical Association - member Since 1998
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- Acute retention of urine due to prolapsing stoma in a case of anorectal malformation with bladder neck fistulaAcute Retention of Urine. Tay, E., Tay, J., Subramaniam, R. et al. Ped Surgery Int (2004) 20: 809. 2.
- Parasomnias & sleep related movement disorders in children. In Sleep Medicine. A clinical guide to common sleep disorders ( 2008). Chapter 26: 196-200
- Behavioral sleep problems in Children. In Sleep Medicine. A clinical guide to common sleep disorders( 2008). Chapter 27 : 201-209
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