Prof Jerry Chan read medicine at Trinity College Dublin, trained in the United Kingdom in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and completed a PhD in fetal stem cell transplantation at Imperial College London before setting up the Experimental Fetal Medicine Group in 2005. He splits his time between both clinical and translational research at KKIVF Centre. Prof. Chan’s research straddles several fields of cutting-edge science underpinning advances in reproductive biology, from early fetal development and immunology, to fetal therapy and perinatal advancements through optimising fertility and perinatal outcome. His lab seeks to translate discoveries from the laboratory and clinical arena into clinical applications to improve patient outcomes.
- FRCOG, Fellow – Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (UK) 2014
- Assisted Reproductive Techniques Accreditation (Singapore) 2011
- FAMS, Fellow – Academy of Medicine, Singapore (OBGYN & CS) 2009 / 2016
- PhD, Imperial College London. University of London (UK) 2006
- MRCOG, Member - Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (UK) 2001
- DFFP, Dip. of Faculty of Family Planning, RCOG (UK) 2000
- MB BCh BaO (Hons) MA, Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland) 1997
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Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships
- Director, SingHealth-Duke-NUS Maternal and Child Health Research Institute, 2022 – Present
- Director, KK Research Centre, 2022 – Present
- Vice Chair (Research), OBGYN Academic Clinical Program, 2020 – Present
- Chairman, Maternal and Child Health Research Committee, 2023 – Present
- Member, Enhanced Carrier Screening for Severe Recessive Genetic Diseases in Singapore Scientific Advisory Committee, 2024 – Present
- Member, Academic Medicine Grant Review Committee – Translational, 2022 – Present
- Member, Board of Academy of Medicine, Clinician Scientist, 2017 – Present
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- NMRC Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (STaR) 2023-2028
- Highly Cited Researchers™ 2020 by Clarivate. Cross Field – Highly Cited Researcher 2020 (for past decade 2009-2019).
- SingHealth Residency in SingHealth Excels (RISE) – Faculty Appreciation Award, 2020
- NMRC Clinician Scientist Award (Senior Investigator), 2017-2023
- Singapore Health Quality Service – Star Award, 2017
- Distinguished Researcher Award – SingHealth Excellence Awards, Singapore, 2013
- 22nd Benjamin Henry Sheares Memorial Lecture. Intrauterine Stem Cell Transplantation and Gene Therapy. OGSS. Singapore International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2011.
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Research Interests
- Fetal Stem Cells and its downstream application for
i. Developmental biology / Intra-uterine gene / stem cell therapy
ii. Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine - Intrauterine Therapy – Cellular and Gene Therapy / Editing
- Non-human primate models of human reproduction and fetal therapy
- Life course epidemiology - Birth cohorts
- Reproductive Medicine
i. Ovarian reserve testing / Fertility Preservation
ii. Endometriosis – Immuno-Pathogenesis and Biomarkers
iii. Reproductive Biology and Assisted Reproductive Techniques
iv. Pharmacotherapeutics in IVF and Ovulation Induction
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- iPS-cell-derived microglia promote brain organoid maturation via cholesterol transfer. Park DS, Kozaki T, Tiwari SK, Moreira M, Khalilnezhad A, Torta F, Olivié N, Thiam CH, Liani O, Silvin A, Phoo WW, Gao L, Triebl A, Tham WK, Gonçalves L, Kong WT, Raman S, Zhang XM, Dunsmore G, Dutertre CA, Lee S, Ong JM, Balachander A, Khalilnezhad S, Lum J, Duan K, Lim ZM, Tan L, Low I, Utami KH, Yeo XY, Di Tommaso S, Dupuy JW, Varga B, Karadottir RT, Madathummal MC, Bonne I, Malleret B, Binte ZY, Wei Da N, Tan Y, Wong WJ, Zhang J, Chen J, Sobota RM, Howland SW, Ng LG, Saltel F, Castel D, Grill J, Minard V, Albani S, Chan JKY, Thion MS, Jung SY, Wenk MR, Pouladi MA, Pasqualini C, Angeli V, Cexus ONF, Ginhoux F. Nature. 2023 Nov;623(7986):397-405. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06713-1.
- Ionizable Lipid Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Base Editing of Congenital Brain Disease. Palanki R, Bose SK, Dave A, White BM, Berkowitz C, Luks V, Yaqoob F, Han E, Swingle KL, Menon P, Hodgson E, Biswas A, Billingsley MM, Li L, Yiping F, Carpenter M, Trokhan A, Yeo J, Johana N, Wan TY, Alameh MG, Bennett FC, Storm PB, Jain R, Chan JKY, Weissman D, Mitchell MJ, Peranteau WH. ACS Nano. 2023 Jul 25;17(14):13594-13610. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c02268.
- Peritoneal autoantibody profiling identifies p53 as an autoantibody target in endometriosis. Harden S, Tan TY, Ku CW, Zhou J, Chen Q, Chan JKY, Brosens J, Lee YH. Fertil Steril. 2023 Jul;120(1):176-187. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.02.025.
- Modifiable Risk Factor Score and Fecundability in a Preconception Cohort in Singapore. Loy SL, Ku CW, Tiong MMY, Ng CST, Cheung YB, Godfrey KM, Lim SX, Colega MT, Lai JS, Chong YS, Shek LP, Tan KH, Chan SY, Chong MF, Yap F, Chan JKY. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Feb 1;6(2):e2255001. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.55001.
- Microbial exposure during early human development primes fetal immune cells. Mishra A, Lai GC, Yao LJ, Aung TT, Shental N, Rotter-Maskowitz A, Shepherdson E, Singh GSN, Pai R, Shanti A, Wong RMM, Lee A, Khyriem C, Dutertre CA, Chakarov S, Srinivasan KG, Shadan NB, Zhang XM, Khalilnezhad S, Cottier F, Tan ASM, Low G, Chen P, Fan Y, Hor PX, Lee AKM, Choolani M, Vermijlen D, Sharma A, Fuks G, Straussman R, Pavelka N, Malleret B, McGovern N, Albani S, Chan JKY, Ginhoux F. Cell. 2021 Jun 24;184(13):3394-3409.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.039.
- Plasma glycemic measures and fecundability in a Singapore preconception cohort study. Loy SL, Ku CW, Lai AEQ, Choo XH, Ho AHM, Cheung YB, Godfrey KM, Chong YS, Gluckman PD, Shek LP, Tan KH, Yap FKP, Chan SY, Chan JKY. Fertil Steril. 2021 Jan;115(1):138-147. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.07.014.
- Fetal mast cells mediate postnatal allergic responses dependent on maternal IgE. Msallam R, Balla J, Rathore APS, Kared H, Malleret B, Saron WAA, Liu Z, Hang JW, Dutertre CA, Larbi A, Chan JKY, St John AL, Ginhoux F. Science. 2020 Nov 20;370(6519):941-950. doi: 10.1126/science.aba0864.
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